Mahr’s Bräu Bamberg – A Hero in the Crisis - Mahrs Bräu
Wirtshaus & Biergarten
Montag 15:00 - 22:30
Dienstag 11:00 - 22:30
Mittwoch 11:00 - 22:30
Donnerstag 11:00 - 23:00
Freitag 11:00 - 23:00
Samstag 11:00 - 23:00
Sonntag 11:00 - 15:00
  • Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch.

  • Wo möchten Sie hin?
    Wirtshaus & Biergarten
    Montag 15:00 - 22:00
    Dienstag 11:00 - 22:00
    Mittwoch 11:00 - 22:00
    Donnerstag 11:00 - 23:00
    Freitag 11:00 - 23:00
    Samstag 11:00 - 23:00
    Sonntag 11:00 - 15:00
  • Unser Biergarten ist teilüberdacht und bietet euch Schutz vor Sonne und Regen.

  • Mahr’s Bräu was the only medium-sized, artisanal, private brewery recognized in the Helden in der Krise (Heroes in the Crisis) campaign, initiated by the F.A.Z. Institute and the IWMF. One thing is clear; had it not been for the numerous volunteers, the resourceful and the tireless, we probably would not have coped with the initial outbreak of the corona pandemic so well. To invoke a small, “thank you” to all these creative and selfless citizens, to whom many people owe their lives, their health or everyday relief, the initiators and their sponsors (Hansgrohe, Beekeeper, Signal Iduna and news aktuell) have begun the campaign Helden in der Krise (Heroes in the Crisis) with the hope drawing attention to the accomplishments and special deeds of these true heroes using a public campaign and certificate of recognition. As part of the campaign, heroes who stood out due to their extraordinary helpfulness, exemplary commitment and forward-looking social action were honored and thus exemplify many other heroes who did the same. Bamberg’s Mahr’s Bräu has managed to master the requirements and act with foresight, e.g. the early closure of the tavern, but also through the measures taken in good time and social engagement through actions such as the food donation on the Bamberg table is qualified for the award and is of course very proud. “In times like these it is of course not easy for us restaurateurs and breweries – like so many others. Not to stick our heads in the sand and do what we can, is and is a matter of course for us and part of our daily activities. For us, it is not profit that comes first, but the health and safety of our guests and our employees. As a result, we are already looking into how we can continue to create a place for our guests with our inn in which the visitors feel comfortable and safe. Obtaining such an award for the efforts and complications of the past weeks and months is of course good and we are very happy. We have a positive outlook for the future and would of course like to take this opportunity to thank our employees and customers – our “heroes” – who held out with us and were loyal to us even during the crisis, ”says Stephan Michel, head of the Mahr’s Brew. The heroes were identified in part by an AI-based internet analysis. For this purpose, the IMWF evaluated around 400 million websites on the German-speaking Internet on behalf of the F.A.Z. More about the campaign, Helden in der Krise” (Heroes in the Crisis) can be found here.